The Kendall Family

The Kendall Family
(back) Katherine, Christopher, Ann, Dwight, Tim (front) Jonathan, Krislena, Karl

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Kendall Bench Project Update.

I have been working for the past couple of days on cutting the metal to make the legs. its is slow going, because you can't really rush a band saw. the good news is that tommorow I will have finished all of my cuts. Lord willing. then I can start making the legs.

Friday, November 6, 2009

The Kendall Bench Project Update

So today my dad and I went to Port-O-Prince to purchase the supplies necessary to build the benches. After running around for a couple of hours we finally found everything we needed and arranged to have it picked up. I will start to work on them next week.

The really good news is that not only did we get everything we needed. we spent under half of our budget. That means I am able to build more benches than we previously had thought.

So that is the update as of today. Thanks again everyone.